Friday, January 26, 2007

Chugging along into the New Year

We’ve finally received some snow, quickly followed by ice and blasting wind. Since we started the year with spring many of the bulbs and buds in the area began to wake up, hopefully the damage will be minimal.

I added a few links to this page, mostly sites or magazines I find useful. I’ve also revised the yard map and am memorizing the seed catalogs, WOOHOO! Miriam is not sure how so much work can be relaxing, I consider it more like exercise or pre-season warm up.

My winter was spent reading about organic farming and landscape design in hopes that I can apply some of the techniques this year. I have few (I stress FEW) delusions that I’ll be sustaining the household with the backyard’s bounty, but I am interested in how cover crops could be used to build the soil. Also trying to figure the benefits and feasibility of crop rotation coupled with companion planting in maintaining a healthy yard. So much to do, but the ground is frozen solid. Maybe I’ll try starting seeds indoors in the meantime. On that note, the Washington Seed Exchange is tomorrow and it has been moved from the National Arboretum to Montgomery College, Takoma Park campus. Maybe I’ll see you there!

Right then, I must get to work.