Friday, March 16, 2007

Not out of Winter yet

I’m so glad I put those seeds in the ground. Now they’ll be safe from the squirrels under a covering of snow and/or ice. Whoohoo!

The weather is also reminding me how much water pools up around the raised veggie bed. Maybe I should move that to the higher side of the yard. Then think about a rain garden with blueberries and cranberries! Time to pull out more graph paper.

Sunday, March 11, 2007

First seeds of the season

Originally uploaded by mr_christopher.

Alright, so I have finally started sowing seeds for the new season. I figured I’d start with early vegetables, because a) it's early in the season, and b) they should be done, by the time we figure out what we’re going to do with the yard.

I planted the 1st and 3rd rows with a mix of radishes and kale, then I added spinach to the 1st row and beets to the 3rd. The beets are a long shot since the seeds are a few years old. Heck, the whole venture is a long shot, but it gives me something to do. I also figure that since I am logging it here, I’ll see it next year and decide whether it was a good idea.

I plan to sow rows 2, 4, and 5 next week. I’ll also sow lettuce in the big bed again. Woohoo!



This is a test post from flickr, I'm not sure if this worked right...