Friday, August 04, 2006

Polyculture bed

Here is a photo of the polyculture bed in my yard. this was taken at the same time as the volunteer tomatoes, some time in June. The bed is 12' x 4' and raised about 6".

Pictured is mostly lettuce, a few remaining radishes and calendula. We also planted dill, beans, and parsnips. As of today, pretty much all of the lettuce has bolted. It looks nice towering over the garden, but it is almost too bitter for me to eat.

More than the food value, I’m amazed at the variety of insects that now inhabit my yard. It is a mix of good and bad, there seems to be a balance. Of course I still have more slugs than I would prefer, but I’ve found several species of lady bug beetle. The least familiar is a redish pink one, Coleomegilla maculata.

I must go to work.

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